Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Sansevieria or tongue-law is a genus of ornamental plants is quite popular as a decoration in the house because this plant can grow in a little water and sunlight. Sansevieria leaves have a strong, sukulen, upright, with the end of the taper.

Sanseviera known as-law tongue plant because of the sharp. Sanseviera not only as ornamental plants, but also has benefits to enrich the hair, treat diabetes, hemorrhoids, cancer and violent. While fiber is used as a fabric. In Japan, Sanseviera used to remove the smell in the house room furniture.

Compared to other plants, has a distinctive Sanseviera absorb toxic materials, such as carbon dioxide, Benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

Sansevieria is divided into two types, namely the type of sweep to grow up with the size of 50-75 cm and short-leaved species in the form of a circle roset with 8 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. Groups have long leaves taper as the sword, and because of this there is a mention Sansevieria plant as the sword-pedangan.

This thick leaved plants, and have a uterus sukulen water, so drought-resistant. However, in wet conditions or lembap, sansiviera can mushrooming.

Sansevieria leaf color range old green, light green, green gray, silver, and white color combination of yellow, green or yellow. Flow patterns or lines that are on the leaf blade also varies, with some leaves the fiber direction, is not uniform, and there is also the zig-zag.

Specialties tongue has a power-law is a high adaptation to the environment. NASA research in cooperation with the ALCA have found evidence that the plant is naturally capable of reducing the pollution is.

Reviewed based on the type sansevieria have two types of the first descendants of the original sansevieria / species while the second is the type of contradiction / hibridasi that can be called with the type of hybrid sansevieria.

This form of hybrid sansevieria akan created with the physical character and different from parent or often called a hybrid species or hybrid sansevieria. Sansevieria mutation can also occur through the multiplication of stek leaves.

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