Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina)

Daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina (Lour.) DC) for medicine practitioners are not foreign. Plants can be used in this situation is still fresh and / or in the form of simplisia. Ganda advantage of this plant is used as medicine in addition, also the god bsia leaves as vegetables in the form of lalapan. There are some people call the plant leaf plant linked to the god of life, or vice versa. Determinasi scientific study of plants, both plants by Center Research Biology - LIPI, Bogor, said that the scientific name of the god is Gynura leaves pseudochina (Lour.) DC, and lives are linked Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.
Plants that they say comes from Burma and China this plant is classified in the terna, with high 30 - 45, to grow upright and have a tuber. In addition to leaf, plant tubers can also be used as medicine. At this time the plant leaves has been found god on the island of Java, has even spread to the island of Sumatra.
The leaves of the gods, including the tribe of Asteraceae, genus Gynura with the classification as follows:
I. Classification
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub-division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
People: Asterales
Tribe: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Marga: Gynura
Type: Gynura pseudochina (Lour.) DC

II. The plant leaf morphology of the gods are:

1. Stem, short and soft, upright growth with high 30 - 45 cm, segilima shaped, oval cut, blond and smooth purple verdure.

2. Leaves, single-leaved, spreading stem girth, bertangkai short, rounded oval shape, beefy, fluffy, edge taper, bertoreh edge, taper base, pertulangan menyirip, green, long leaves about 20 cm and 10 cm wide.

3. Interest, the compound growth at the end of the stem, the form of a knob, furry, pod-shaped cup green, yellow stamen and needle-shaped.

4. Seed, needle-shaped, about 0.5 cm long, brown-colored

5. Roots, is the root of the fiber, flaxen tubers formed as a food reserve

III. Effect Farmakologi

Leaves and tubers from the plant leaves can be used as a deity antikoagulan drugs (clot-dilute blood clot), anti-swelling, injuries hit, smooth blood circulation, stop bleeding (coughing up blood, vomiting blood, nosebleed), reduce the swelling or benjolan on the breast, and very effective to accelerate cure period. Plant leaves also have a sense of deity and neutral characteristic. Based on the results of empirical research and experience in mind that this plant is antikoagulan, antikarsinogen, antimutagenitas and diuretic (urine peluruh). In addition, also note that all parts of this plant can be used to treat breast tumor and burns.

IV. Gynecology Chemistry

Based on the results of research by experts that the actual chemical in the plant leaves of which form of the god flavanoid compound, fenolat acid, acid klorogenat, kafeat acid, p-kumarat acid, p-hidroksibenzoat acid and acid vanilat. Gynecology and the benefits flavanoid compound, saponin, and indicated atsiri oil can lower blood cholesterol. Oil on the leaves atsiri alleged deity can stimulate blood circulation, and also be analgetik anti inflamasi. Oil atsiri and flavanoid also be as antiseptic. Another compound in the leaves of the gods is alkaloid, tannin and polifenol.

V. Benefits leaf of the god

(a) Fresh Vegetables (lalapan)
In the area of West Java use the ordinary leaves of the god as a friend to eat rice lalapan add taste to meals. As lalapan, good for digestion because it contains quite a lot of fiber, also as a preventive medicine and disease.

(b) As a drug
Based on the results of empirical research and experience that leaves the deity can be used as medicine. Some examples of recipes can be presented as follows:

Dengue fever
Ingredients: 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods
Making way: boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, and filtered.
How to use: drunk in a warm, 3 x 100 cc per day capsule or powder mengonsumsi leaves god @ 500 mg,

Ingredients: 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods
Making way: boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, and filtered.
How to use: in the warm drink as much as 2 x 150 cc per day.

Ingredients: 30 grams of fresh leaves of the god, 25 grams of meeting black and 25 grams temulawak
Making way: boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, and filtered.
How to use: in the warm drink as much as 2 x 150 cc per day.

Keladi Tikus

Some years ago the newspaper circulating in the virtual world scene aka the internet. Be a patient of breast cancer stadium can go through without the effect of chemotherapy and is now menyiksanya declared cured after mengonsumsi keladi mice (Typhonium flagelliforme). Keladi mice previously setenar herb is not like other Sambiloto, wild ginger and white, meeting buffoonery, and mengkudu. Name keladi mice taken from the name of foreign Rodent Tuber first in Malaysia. To find this plant is not difficult. This kind of taro plant height but only 25 cm to 30 cm, including plants, bushes like a humid place and not exposed to direct sun. Trunked plants grow much this wet in the open at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Tunggalnya appear from the leaf base. The form of rounded leaves with the tip of the taper-shaped heart. Fresh green color.

Caladium tubers this mouse-shaped rounded average of nutmeg. Part in or outside the white tubers. To perkembangbiakannya, can use umbinya Anakan or tuber that grows from it. In the dry season, stem disappears. While in the rainy season, these plants appear again on the surface of the soil
tubers are hidden in the ground. Crown-shaped flowers small long white tails, similar to mice, where the name of rats given up. However, there are several types of flowers that have a red sheath. For this type are usually developed for ornamental plants silangan results.
Prof. DrChris K.H. Teo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD from the Universiti Sains Malaysia and also the founder of Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia in 1995 researching this plant, the results from the root extract is effective to keladi rat prostat cancer. In addition, Lam Siew Hong USM researchers said that from happening peningkatkan activity in blood antibakteri catfish. Cancer treatment institutions established in 1995 that has helped thousands of patients from Malaysia, the United States, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and various countries in the world. In Indonesia, the plant was first introduced by Patoppoi a retiree from the Department of Agriculture.
Savor this herb has been felt by his wife own a very tortured after undergoing chemotherapy, as if the world will end. Wife suffering from breast cancer Patopoi stadium Ill. After a given herb mengonsumsi Prof. Dr. Chris KH Teo, the effect is not felt sehebat chemotherapy first, and is undergoing chemotherapy can
up to 12 times, and now face aglow.

Keladi mice contain antineoplastik or antikanker can be nutritious as well as antivirus. Farmakologi this is the effect which the drug to overcome the main stadium of cancer information. The section is used for the treatment of whole plants. Start from the root (base), stem, leaves and flowers. Of course, the effect will be better when given together with other plants, such as Sambiloto, grass and pearl white temu. Extracts Typhonium flageffiforme clan other natural materials to help blood detoxifikasi network. This herb contains ribosome inacting protein (RIP), antioxidants and substances antikurkumin substances. Disable the RIP function of cancer cells, merontokkan cancer cells without damaging the surrounding network and block the growth of cancer cells. Substance antioxidants work to prevent the occurrence of damage to genes. While working as a substance antikurkumin
antiinflamasi / antiperadangan. This combination of natural activate mediators that produce the stimulated cells to strengthen the body's immune system to combat bersamasama cancer cells. Plants in China at this carefully by Zhong Z, Zhou G, Chen X, Huang P and of the Guangxi Institute of Traditional Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nanning. Research is conducted to know the effect farmakologis from Typhonium flagelliforme. Known that water and alcohol extracts of Typhonium flagelliforme have any effect to prevent cough, eliminate phlegm, antiasmatik, painkillers, antiinflamasi, and sedatif.


Sansevieria or tongue-law is a genus of ornamental plants is quite popular as a decoration in the house because this plant can grow in a little water and sunlight. Sansevieria leaves have a strong, sukulen, upright, with the end of the taper.

Sanseviera known as-law tongue plant because of the sharp. Sanseviera not only as ornamental plants, but also has benefits to enrich the hair, treat diabetes, hemorrhoids, cancer and violent. While fiber is used as a fabric. In Japan, Sanseviera used to remove the smell in the house room furniture.

Compared to other plants, has a distinctive Sanseviera absorb toxic materials, such as carbon dioxide, Benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

Sansevieria is divided into two types, namely the type of sweep to grow up with the size of 50-75 cm and short-leaved species in the form of a circle roset with 8 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. Groups have long leaves taper as the sword, and because of this there is a mention Sansevieria plant as the sword-pedangan.

This thick leaved plants, and have a uterus sukulen water, so drought-resistant. However, in wet conditions or lembap, sansiviera can mushrooming.

Sansevieria leaf color range old green, light green, green gray, silver, and white color combination of yellow, green or yellow. Flow patterns or lines that are on the leaf blade also varies, with some leaves the fiber direction, is not uniform, and there is also the zig-zag.

Specialties tongue has a power-law is a high adaptation to the environment. NASA research in cooperation with the ALCA have found evidence that the plant is naturally capable of reducing the pollution is.

Reviewed based on the type sansevieria have two types of the first descendants of the original sansevieria / species while the second is the type of contradiction / hibridasi that can be called with the type of hybrid sansevieria.

This form of hybrid sansevieria akan created with the physical character and different from parent or often called a hybrid species or hybrid sansevieria. Sansevieria mutation can also occur through the multiplication of stek leaves.