Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)

Sambiloto found in many of the mainland Asia. Besides Indonesia, Sambiloto also in India, the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia. Plant called latin Andrographis Paniculata Ness is able to live in the lush tropical area with a height of between 1 - 700 meters above sea level.

Sambiloto plant is a bush that has many branches leaved and height can reach more than 90 cm. Leaves Sambiloto small bottle green and white flowers. Sambiloto can also breed year round, with seeds and with the way stek stem. Multiplication with stek stem is also relatively easy to do. Do, choose a rod that has a slightly older leaves around 10 sheets. Cut along the stem is approximately 20 cm and plug in to the ground in the shade. Only in about one month, the plant has started in Sambiloto meet young leaves. Parts used for traditional medicine is that it leaves very bitter. Than the actual leaf, stem, flower and root of the drugs are also useful.

From antiquity to the present epoch.
Relief Sambiloto leaves was found in the Borobudur Temple also in the Ancient Book of the Javanese Rama Kawi around the 18 century. Mentioned Sambiloto nutritious Hanoman to treat the injured soldiers when the war against Rahwana.

In Indonesia, many people know Sambiloto of herbal medicine from herbalist, which is called by the name of herbal medicine “paitan”. Often people consume “paitan”, a blackish color fluids, and then expelled the bitter flavour with ‘beras kencur” drink. This mixture is known to drive a normal flu.

In addition to buying the herbal medicine from herbalist, people can also consume Sambiloto way boil leaves. The dry leaves is no less useful even now there are Sambiloto in the form of the dye. For those who do not hold with the bitter flavour, but would like to get a special property Sambiloto, can consume Sambiloto in the form of a capsule.

In line with the trend "back to nature", the stranger had a lot of cock Sambiloto property. Various studies conducted both in and outside the country, found that the bitter taste behind Sambiloto, are androgapholid active substance which is very useful for the treatment. India also has been know medicinal plants is even Sambiloto used to fight bird flu epidemic in India in the year 1919 and effective until Sambiloto got the nickname "Indian Echinacea".
In China, Sambiloto already in clinical testing and nutritious as anti hepapatoksik (anti-heart disease). In Japan, currently in testing for possible use as Sambiloto HIV drugs, and in Scandinavia, Sambiloto in use to overcome the infection of diseases.

Miscellaneous property Sambiloto.
Generation to generation, people have been using the leaves stew Sambiloto to prevent a cold or influenza, reduce fever, jaundice, and treat wounds. To treat wounds, people usually grind Sambiloto dry leaves, and sprinkle the wound with Sambiloto powder. In addition the bitter flavour of Sambiloto also be effective to mitigate diabetes.

According to that dr A Sidhajatra already tens of years in herbal medicine to provide patient-patient, is an herbal Sambiloto which has the effect of anti-infection / anti-inflammation is best among other medicinal plant. Diseases infection, especially infection in mucus or mucus network, such as influenza infection causes the throat, urine infection channel,”keputihan” the infection on women and ulceration, can be treated with Sambiloto.

In the form of a dry leaf stew, dr. Sidhajatra recommend doses of 5 gr, which is boiled with 2 water glass until remaining 1 glass for a day (drink 3 x 1 / 3 cup). If using fresh leaves, dose is about 30 pieces of leaf in the same way as leaves boil dry. In the form of extract, consume up to 1500 mg per day is still considered safe. "Based on my experience, in the form of extracts Sambiloto was evidently more effective the various disease inflammation / infection" the dr Sidhajatra add.

But dr Sidhajatra reminded that the use of Sambiloto to mitigate diabetes, must also be accompanied with a low carbohydrate diet and sugar. "If the consume only diligent Sambiloto but still wishes to eat, so dangerous," so the advice Sidhajatra dr.

Opinion from Paul W Halim from the practice in BSD City, Tangerang, very positive about Sambiloto. "On the Pair with others such as herbal temulawak, Sambiloto be more effective to treat respiratory tract diseases the top (ISPA). Sambiloto imuno also function as a stimulator, and herbal medicine for diabetics melitus, as well as appetite stimulation in children "the explanation of this Italian graduate doctors.

Sambiloto utilization in Indonesia.
Ironically, in Indonesia itself, the new Sambiloto the limited known among the ordinary people who consume herbal medicine. Because of usefulness, certainly better if we go back to nature with plants consume drugs Sambiloto, compared to consume antibiotics have side effects less well and the price is relatively expensive. And if the developed countries such as Scandinavia, Japan, China is using Sambiloto, of course there is no more reason why we as a country who produce Sambiloto does not consume it